Monday, October 18, 2010

Great October Meeting!

Our October meeting was awesome!  We heard from a fabulous speaker, Kim Ransleben, who talked to us about "finesse in motherhood."  She said if we were to take one thing away from what she shared with us she would want it to be "know your kids, and I mean really know your kids."  The other piece of information I took away was her question "if you were to watch you care for your kids for a week, would you pay for you to watch your kids?"  If something Kim said made a big impression on you, please share it with us in the comment section!

Shannon always has a great craft to share with us!  Here is a picture of the craft we did.  If you were not there and want to try this at home click here.

Our MOPS group also committed to a service project called KidsLink Downrange.  Our small group of moms pledged to make 14 card kits for families at Foot Hood who have a parent deployed.  What an awesome way to serve others right here in our area!!  Click on the link above to read more about our project and to find links about how to put the card kits together.  Here are the pledge amounts for each table: Green - 5 kits, Blue - 2 kits, Purple - 2 kits, Pink - 5 kits.  These are not due until March, so if we each make a few cards a month we could end up well beyond our pledge!  Thanks, moms!  You ROCK!

Thanks to the Blue table for providing our delicious brunch items.  I want the pumpkin muffin recipe!

I've really enjoyed see everyone at our meetings.  You all are such a blessing and it is such a gift to be able to share our ministry as moms together!  See you next month!  Don't forget to RSVP for childcare to