Monday, November 15, 2010

Notes from our Awesome November Meeting!

We had another great meeting on November 9th!  Welcome to our new moms.  We are so glad you joined us!  For those of you who missed, we missed you!  Here are some notes from the meeting.  Please feel free to post anything I may have missed, or add to the notes in the comment section.
Brenda started us off with a great devotional on Psalm 139.  She had us listen to her read it and think of ‘mom specific’ things that happen during the day.  Each verse reminds us that no matter what is going on in our mommy worlds, God is there with us every step of the way.  She encouraged us that even when we are feeling down about the job we are doing as moms or wives, to remember that God uses all things for His good and glory.  She referenced Romans 8:28, which says ‘And we know that God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.’ 
Brenda also mentioned the book Hope for a Woman’s Heart.  Sounds like it is worth the read!
Our speaker this month was local photographer, Julie Adkison.  She gave of some great information on taking great pictures.  Here are some of her tips:
There are two things that make a great picture.  Composition, and lighting.
1.       Composition – there are three rules
a.       Fill the frame
                                    i.      Zoom in – avoid negative space.
                                    ii.    Remember the eye reads left to right – make sure you have good flow through your photos.  Use leading lines that help guide people through your image.  When taking sports photos, make sure to leave room in the photo for your subject to fall into.
b.      Follow the Rule of Thirds
                                    i.      Imagine a tic tac toe board – you want something of interest in each third.
c.       Dare to break the rules
                                   i.      Get creative.  If you see something you like, get it!  Sometimes it works.
2.       Lighting
a.       The best lighting indoors is the light coming in through a window.
b.      Best time to take pictures outdoors is one hour after sunrise and one hour before sunset.  Avoid outdoor pictures between the hours of 11am-4pm, unless it is a cloudy day.
For great Christmas card pictures:
-          Get on subject’s eye level
-          Bring subject forward (separate from background)
-          Avoid flash when possible
-          Try a new angle
Storage and Printing
-          I use… (for Mac users)
- – great quality and great prices
For information on Julie’s studio and classes, go to
Shannon made us awesome Give Thanks bags.  Each bag contained rules and a few supplies for how to get the entire family involved in remembering how blessed we are.  I will add a post with instructions for those of you who were not there to get one.
Holly and Lindsey recognized all those celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, or new babies!  Congratulations to Tricia who celebrates her 6th wedding anniversary this month!
Laci reminded us that we have a MOPS fundraiser on Thursday, November 18th at Mazzio’s Pizza.  Please invite all of your friends and family to dine in, pick up or order delivery between 5-8pm.  It’s that easy!!  Please help our group raise some extra funds so we can continue to enjoy our great crafts, and speakers!
Mazzio’s Pizza – 1420 SW H K Dodgen Loop, Temple, TX 76504
Next month we will have our popular Christmas stations and enjoy some crafting and time to just hang out and relax.  The green table and the steering team will provide our brunch – Thank you!
Don’t forget to RSVP for childcare.  If you don’t need childcare, it would still be great to know if you are coming, but it is not required that you RSVP.  It is nice to know who will be at our meetings so we can plan appropriately!  If you invite a friend who needs childcare, please give them the address so they can RSVP.  Thanks so much!
Happy Thanksgiving!